



(1) 2019-01 至   今,  四川轻化工大学, 土木工程学院

(2) 2015-07 至 2018-12, 四川理工学院, 土木工程学院

(3) 2008-08 至 2012-07,  中铁十七局,    工程师


(1) 省级, 2021QYJ02, 深厚湿陷性地区桥梁桩基础侧向防渗新型结构研究, 在研, 主持;

(2) 四川省科学技术厅, 重大研发项目, 2022XFWZ0010, 基于NPRT-ANN的轨道交通站点分类技术研究——以成都轨道交通为案例, 在研, 参与;

(3) 甘肃省住建厅, 技术攻关项目, JK2022-13, 碳中和背景下凹凸棒土在绿色环保型垃圾填埋场中的边坡稳定及防渗机理研究在研, 主持;

(4) 四川省科技厅, 四川省自然科学基金项目, 2022NSFSC1992, 石墨烯球在离子液体中的摩擦学性能研究在研, 参与。


(1)   Zhengrui Zhang; Hao Wang; Siti Jahara Matlan; Lili Zhang ; Experimental and Numerical Analysis Study on Loess-Lime Structures Used      for Lateral Antiseepage in Deep Collapsible Ground Embankment, Advances in Civil Engineering, 2021, 2021(10): 1-10

(2)   Zhengrui Zhang; Siti Jahara Matlan; Hao Wang; Ahad Amini Pishro; Lili Zhang; Xian Gao; Zhao Liang; Xiaoyi Liu; Peigen Zhao ; Geotechnical Evaluation of Loess Modifications as the Sustainable Compacted Soil Liner Material in Solid Waste Landfill, Materials, 2022, 15(14): 4982-4982

(3)   Zhengrui Zhang, Ahad Amini Pishro, Lili Zhang, Xuejiao Ma, Siti Jahara Matlan, Nazaruddin Abdul Taha & Mojdeh Amini Pishro; Study on the relationship between permeability coefficient and porosity, the confining and osmotic pressure of attapulgite-modified loess Scientific Reports, 16077 (2023)

(4)   Ahad Amini Pishro; Qihong Yang; Shiquan Zhang; Mojdeh Amini Pishro; Zhengrui Zhang; Yana Zhao; Victor Postel; Dengshi Huang; WeiYu Li ; Node, place, ridership, and time model for railtransit stations: a case study, Scientific Reports, 2022, 12(1) (期刊论文)

(5)   Lili Zhang; Zhengrui Zhang; Ahad Amini Pishro; Siti Jahara Matlan ; Tribological performance of IL/(GO-MWCNT) coatings in high-  vacuum and irradiation environments, Scientific Reports, 2022, 12(1)

(6)   Ahad Amini Pishro; Zhengrui Zhang; Mojdeh Amini Pishro; Wenfang Liu; Lili Zhang; Qihong Yang ; Structural Performance of EB  FRP-Strengthened RC T-Beams Subjected to Combined Torsion and Shear Using ANN, Materials, 2022, 15(14): 4852-4852


